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Grabbing the last bag, running through the rusty frames

Caught in the dreariness of morning dew droplets

Not bright enough to illuminate the sky with violet rays, but not dark enough to hide faces hidden in the shadows...

Everything is dying here 

Even the alopeciac pines 

seem sea sick in their staggering sway 

Poor scurvy-stricken pirates. 

May they drink rum and belch 

bawdy crescendos one day soon...

Come in 12 AM on the dot

Leave out at 3:45

Go to the back and put my makeup on

Blending in the hairs and sharp jawline form...

Dave Wanczyk

He had to move fast and flee

El Oro this week, everything...


Rick is my motel’s only patron. Every eight to twelve days he drives up in a dust cloud from either the East or West and asks me if there’s vacancy. I stand tall and proud behind my ply board desk and tell him that I’ll see what I can...

Junction City, Kansas. 1867. 

It was a cold day, the coldest yet of that winter. 

Victor Otxoa was cutting old, rotten rail ties to feed the hungry stove. He had amassed a sprawling pile when his eldest son came home, breathless, eager to make his report.

The news was dire.,,

Six vaqueros slap faded leather and ride into a sunset, or maybe sunrise, driving a herd of longhorn cattle through the dust rising in the West Texas desert...

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