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issue 1

Clare Hickey is an English Major at Ohio University. She also runs a podcast, co-captains Black Sheep Improv, and makes a mean bowl of Slop.


Izzy likes hotel grapefruit juice, red clover flowers, Grandmas, and solving the weekly newspaper crossword.


Ewan Seymour is a Junior at Ohio University. He is a guitarist and songwriter.


C. G. Dominguez is a proud queer Boricua working and writing in the American Midwest. Her work will soon appear in Muleskinner, Greyhound Journal, Hofstra’s Windmill, MISTER Magazine and elsewhere. 


Dave Wanczyk is a writer and teacher who lives in Athens, Ohio. He is also the editor of New Ohio Review.


MMJ: I really like cheese, mostly the super stinky cheese that everyone else thinks tastes bad.


Joni Townsend is a writer based in Circleville, Ohio. Her favorite things are her kiddos, hubby, and puppies. She loves to sing and create things.


Tanner Harris is a poet and musician studying English at Ohio University


Matt Hart is the author of FAMILIAR and nine other books of poems. He lives in Cincinnati where he edits the journal SOLID STATE and plays in the band NEVERNEW.


Rachel Townsend is a Junior at Ohio University studying English Creative writing. She is a member of Black Sheep Improv and a poetry editor for Sphere (and Over Yonder!).


Clayton Bradshaw-Mittal (they/them) is a queer, previously unhoused veteran who writes queer, working-class stories.Their fiction can be found in or is forthcoming from Story, Fairy Tale Review, F(r)iction, South Carolina Review, and other places. Other work has appeared in The Rumpus; Consequence; War, Literature, and the Arts; and elsewhere.They teach English at the University of Cincinnati-Blue Ash and are the Managing Editor of New Ohio Review.


Wybie Santiny is a writer-poet from Louisiana and a second-year student at OU studying Creative Writing. Other than writing, their hobbies include playing Dungeons & Dragons and collecting discontinued toys from the 2010's


Irina Tall (Novikova) is an artist, graphic artist, illustrator. She graduated from the State Academy of Slavic Cultures with a degree in art, and also has a bachelor's degree in design. The first personal exhibition "My soul is like a wild hawk" (2002) was held in the museum of Maxim Bagdanovich. In 2020, she took part in Poznań Art Week.


Vishal Cain is an undergraduate student at Ohio University. He enjoys taking photographs due to the way they can provoke profound emotions within the viewer. He is particularly drawn to photographs that convey a certain sense of beauty in desolation and stillness.

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