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The Train to Cook County

Tre Spencer

Grabbing the last bag, running through the rusty frames

Caught in the dreariness of morning dew droplets

Not bright enough to illuminate the sky with violet rays, but not dark enough to hide faces hidden in the shadows.


5:14 A.M.


Hearing the rails screech and sizzle from the heat of friction

Finally, at last, all aboard

One destination left.


7:47 A.M.


Indiana now

Empty strip malls and shells of tourism that plague the corn fields of middle America

Only half-way, a thought that pierces me like a spear

Home was behind me, a fever dream

An empty stomach, a pit devours my joy.


10:02 A.M.


Chicago. Cook County.

I saw it in a fuzzy dream once, a nightmare.

It was raining and thunder roared like a jet engine soaring above

I’m here now

This must be home


It bellows.

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