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A’Drieana Gray

Come in 12 am on the dot

Leave out at 3:45

Go to the back and put my makeup on

Blending in the hairs and sharp jawline form


Get dressed up with butt pads and all

Bout to make a couple ban before the night falls

Get on the stage and the crowd gives snaps

All the colors of the rainbow support the snatch


When I get done with my show

I get myself a drink

Always under the table

Cuz I’m only 18


I felt my heart racing

My bones were pumping 

Still had an hour to go 

and a man was wanting 


I look into his eyes with a dazzling light

Take him to the side and

As soon as he knew I was that  

He grabbed me from behind 


Dog tag removed from the neck

Stumped on multiple times

Gun pointed at head

Lines stretching from the eyes


Threatening for a valuable piece of paper

But I had nothing on me 

Only a single in my breast 

And he took that from me

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